PC members

 Each paper submitted to a thematic issue is reviewed by two external reviewers and a member of the TAL journal's editorial board. The list of members of the journal's editorial board is available at http://www.atala.org/content/comit%C3%A9-de-r%C3%A9daction-0

The external scientific committee is listed below.

Guest editors:

  • Liesbeth Degand, Université de Louvain-la-neuve 
  • Philippe Muller, IRIT, University of Toulouse

Members: (who have accepted so far)


Nicholas Asher
Fred Bechet
Christophe Cerisara
Nancy Chen
Laurence Devillers
Yannick Esteve
Raquel Fernández
Kerstin Fischer
Jonathan Ginzburg
Casey Kennington
Nicolas Hernandez
Julie Hunter
Frédéric Landragin
Pierre Lison
Laurent Prévot
Lina Maria Rojas Barahona
David Schlangen 
Noël Nguyen Trong


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